Friday, 3 January 2025

Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch 2025

 Our annual Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch event will be held on Sunday 26 January this year from 10.30-12.30. As usual, we will have a stall outside the cafe which will have bird ID sheets if you wish to go round the park on your own or you can use them on the guided walk which will start at 11.00. Our celebrated Big Blackboard will be there to display the results. 

Children will be able to make fatballs and bird feeders at the stall and these can be hung from trees in the park or on trees in your street or garden. Loop them over low hanging branches and you will be helping  birds to get through the winter.


We will also have copies of our 'indispensable' guide to the Birds of Hilly Fields with pen portraits of all species recorded in the park since 2007 and many photographs. These are priced at £5 and all money received goes to the Friends of Hilly Fields to help with nature conservation projects.

Our birdwatch is organised by the Friends of Hilly Fields, in conjunction with Glendale, the Lewisham Parks maintenance team. It is timed to coincide with the nationwide RSPB Bird Garden Birdwatch. In counting birds for this event, please remember the RSPB's golden rules:

(i) only count the maximum number of each species that you see at any one time (to avoid duplication); (ii) don't count birds that fly over without stopping - only birds within the park. 

By the way, back in November we were lucky enough to see a kestrel in the park – a rare event these days. It was perched in one of the horse chestnut trees in the north field, watching a flock of sparrows flitting about in some trees below. At one point, it left its perch and hovered in the air above them, but no sparrows were taken as far as we could see. 

We look forward to seeing you on 26 January.

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch 2024 Report

 We were lucky to have sunny windless weather for the 2024 Big Birdwatch on 28 January. Around 50 people visited the Friends stall where we handed out bird ID leaflets and sold some 'merch' including postcards and our Birds of Hilly Fields booklet. Approx 20 people came on the bird walk and 20 bird species were recorded including great spotted woodpeckers, redwings, a mistle thrush and Britain's smallest bird, the goldcrest. The stats will be forwarded to the RSPB as part of their Big Garden Birdwatch.

A steady flow of children got stuck in (literally) to making fatballs for the birds, several of which ended up hanging from nearby trees. And someone created a new species of leaf bird.                                         

Thanks to Rachel from the Friends for organising the event and managing the stall, to Emily from Glendale for support, to the birders who helped identify the birds (you know who you are), to Sadie, Oliver and Daniel who volunteered at the stall as part of their Duke of Edinburgh course, to anyone I've forgotten and everyone who came along!                                                                                                                

What's next? Why, the annual wassail which happens in the Hilly Fields orchard (down the slope from the stone circle) at 3.30 pm this Sunday 4th February – so plenty of time for you to scrap all your other plans and come along. Please bring a mug if you can to sample the alcoholic or non-alcoholic hot drinks.

Sunday, 14 January 2024

Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch 2024

Attention all bird lovers! It's time once again for the Friends of Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch event. Date and time: Sunday 28th January between 10.30 – 12.30. Our stall will be based outside the Hilly Fields cafe as usual. We will have Bird ID sheets  and children will be able to make fatballs and bird feeders. These can be hung from trees in the park or taken home to hang in your own garden. Everything is free.

A guided walk will set off from outside the cafe at 11.00 approx. If you have binoculars, please bring them. Alternatively, you can grab a Bird ID sheet and go round by yourselves, but please observe these basic rules:

(i) only count the maximum number of each species that you see at any one time (to avoid duplication); (ii) don't count birds that fly over without stopping - only birds within the park. 

We will collate the results at the end on our Big Blackboard and submit the results to the RSPB.

It's all about helping people to learn a little bit more about birds and how our parks and green spaces are such important habitats for them. It's also about supporting the RSPB as the whole weekend is part of their National Big Garden Birdwatch. And we still have a few copies left of our celebrated Birds of Hilly Fields booklet which will be on sale at the stall – £5.00 all proceeds to the Friends of HF. We looking forward to seeing you there.

Photo: Rebecca Simmons

Friday, 13 January 2023

Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

 Another year, another Big Birdwatch on Hilly Fields. The Friends of Hilly Fields annual bird watching event will take place this year on Sunday 29 January from 10.30 – 12.30. We will be based outside the cafe, everyone is welcome and it's child-friendly.

There'll be a guided walk starting at 11.00 am. Alternatively you can grab a Bird ID sheet from the stall and go around by yourself/selves. Bring binoculars if you can. On the practical side, there'll be stuff for kids to make bird feeders and fatballs with. These can be hung on trees in the park or taken home to your own garden/balcony/window box. And it's all free...

If you do the Birdwatch by yourselves, please remember the basic rules: (i) only count the maximum number of each species that you see at any one time (to avoid duplication); (ii) don't count birds that fly over without stopping - only birds within the park. We will collate the results at the end on our Big Blackboard and submit the results to the RSPB.

It's all about helping people to learn a little bit more about birds and how our parks and green spaces are such important habitats for them. It's also about supporting the RSPB as the whole weekend is part of their National Big Garden Birdwatch. And we still have a few copies left of our celebrated Birds of Hilly Fields booklet which will be on sale at the stall – £3.50 all proceeds to the Friends of HF.

So come along. You might see a great spotted woodpecker. You might see a jay. You might see a nuthatch. You'll almost certainly see "the UK's only naturalised parrot"! 

Photo: David Chapman

"What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?" Sir David Attenborough.

Monday, 20 June 2022

Red Kite - Bird 52!

A red kite was observed over Hilly Fields on the morning of 25 May, flying over the trees in the north east corner of the park before disappearing further east. Normally we wouldn't count birds which fly overhead without landing as 'park records', but this one was flying just low enough to be mobbed by three crows - our 'avian security guards'. We are therefore adding it to our bird list - the 52nd 'bird of Hilly Fields' to be recorded in the last 15 years.

Credit: eBird

The red kite (Milvus milvus) is a bird of prey and belongs to the same family as buzzards, eagles and harriers. It has a reddish-brown body, a wingspan of almost six feet and can be identified from below by its forked tail. In the middle ages, kites were common birds and scavenged on London's streets, but persecution drove them almost to extinction. Thanks to the RSPB and other conservation efforts, numbers have increased and they can often be seen flying over London again, though not at street level! In rural and suburban areas, there have been reports of them swooping down to take chickens or even picnic lunch food. Scavenging again after all those centuries.

Our booklet 'Birds of Hilly Fields' will be on sale at the Hilly Fields Midsummer Fayre this Saturday 25 June. We will also have tote bags, postcards and other items to buy, as well displays of our plans to make the park even better. Drop by and see us at the Friends of Hilly Fields stall.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Dawn Chorus Walk 2022

We will be holding our first dawn chorus walk since 2019 on Thursday 31 March. Meet outside the cafe at 6 am. If you have binoculars, please bring them. We'll do a circuit of Hilly Fields and and identify common bird songs and calls such as those of the blackbird, robin and wren, as well as the song and mistle thrush and the migrant warblers blackcap and chiffchaff if they happen to be vocal. If we're lucky, we might hear a great spotted woodpecker drumming or a nuthatch calling. We'll point out as many birds as we can whether they're singing or not!

In past years, we've been able to extend the walk to include the Brockley and Ladywell cemeteries. With council permission, a member of the Friends Group would admit us at 7am via a gate on Brockley Grove. That seems unlikely to happen this year as the gate was blocked with an earth bank during lockdown and that is still in place. The walk will finish therefore by 7am. If by any chance, we can gain access to the cemeteries, finishing time will be 7.45 approx. People can drop out at any time though if work calls.

Mistle Thrush

We will have a few copies of our Birds of Hilly Fields booklet for sale if anyone has not yet bought a copy. These are £3.50 and all profits go to the Friends of Hilly Fields.

Friday, 18 February 2022

Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch 2022 Report

Our Hilly Fields Big Birdwatch on 30 January was the first since January 2020 and we had probably the best ever attendance. It was particularly good to see so many children brought along by their parents and  making bird feeders at the Friends stall or coming round on the guided walk. 

22 species were recorded which is not a record breaker, but still a healthy total. Surprisingly, the highest individual total was the Common Gull of which 22 were counted on the north field. Despite its name, this bird is usually outnumbered by the Black-headed Gull which in winter is the most common gull in London and the UK. Next highest were the Starlings at 16 and Goldfinches at 12. 

Common Gull left, Black-headed Gull right

At the other end of the scale, a single Greenfinch and Redwing were seen. It was good to catch sight of the Nuthatch pair who hopefully will be breeding in the park again this year. We had a good view of them on the Lane during the guided walk. Sadly, no Great Spotted Woodpeckers turned up this year, nor did we see any Song or Mistle Thrushes (though a Song Thrush was seen and heard on the Lane on 1st January).

Greenfinch at Hilly Fields
Thanks are due to Rachel who masterminded the stall as usual, to Sue, Judith, Conrad and Lawrence who helped on the guided walk, to Lee the parkie who lugged stuff around for us, to the cafe for all their support and to Debbie who volunteers with the London Peregrine Partnership and brought along two fine displays of bird feathers for the stall. 

For early risers, we'll be doing a dawn chorus walk on Thursday 31 March, starting from the cafe at 6 am. And in the meantime, our Birds of Hilly Fields booklet can be bought from the cafe or via this link.